Interkiezionale on the offensive! We all stay!

A call to all intractable individuals and groups!
No house less, no kicking out of left projects, no more evictions, no more displacement of neighbours and social, cultural and political spaces.

Neuköllner Interkiezionale in die Offensive

This January, several projects have court dates. Judges want to decide if the Youth Club Potse, the bar collective Meuterei and the squat Liebig34 should be „legally“ evicted.
But we will not wait for burocratic gaps oder a judges kindness. We will no longer watch the sale out of our city and we will defend our free spaces – with diverse, creative and self-organised actions.

**Come on 12th January, 3pm into the SfE (GNeisenaustr.2a, 2. HH, 5fth floor) to our public assembly***

Together with your we want to plan concrete actions and events, to get on the offensive. We have ideas for actions, abut we are also happy for new ideas: drawing banners, blockades, visiting politicans, spontaneous gatherings r other actions.

Starting with this assembly, we want to come together every Sunday at 3pm (places will be announced) to plan concrete actions, prepare for day x (evictions days) and get to know each other.

Spread this call, think about funny and effective actions, watch out for dates, announcements, silent informations . Everyone can contribute, particpate, initiate actions, take responsibility, from 9 to 99, from small group to mass mob.

We want all to stay.
We want to stop rent rises, displacements and speculation, here and everywhere.
We want the abolishment of rent and property relations.
We want collectivisation now.

Liebig34, Potse, Meuterei, Rigaer94, Drugstore, Syndikat, Köpi, SabotGarten.


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