Nach der Räumung der Liebig34 am 9. Oktober werden wir nicht aufhören! Hier findet ihr Infos zu den „United We Fight“ – Aktions & Diskussionstagen vom 30.10.-1.11. 2020!

Intersectional Call

In the last few years we have seen how Berlin is changing through the process of gentrification that expels us from our neighborhoods, through evictions (5.000 per year), rent increases, making life unbearable and increasing policing of public spaces. In the end, gentrification changes the social geography of the city. Furthermore, the Berlin Government sells the city as „alternative“, while simultaneously evicting us from our politicized spaces of interaction, coordination, creation and subversive lifestyle. The city is being sold to capital; used as a touristic attraction available only to those privileged enough to pay very high prices for chic newly built or renovated spaces, with construction companies and speculators profiting, the practice repeated by real estate agencies and endorsed by the institutions of state and governance. In order to achieve this the cops do not hesitate to use violence for the benefit of large investors, such as Vonovia SE, ADO Properties SA, Deutsche Wohnen, Pears Global etc. The establishment of red zones, militarized security tactics and surveillance are the means used to prevent us from moving freely in our neighborhoods.

Approaching this in an intersectional manner, the relationship between different forms of domination, such as racism, heterosexism and capitalism, affects us in a distinct way…. (continue reading)

International Call for Action and Discussion Days in Berlin 30.10.-01.11.2020 >>>

Internationale oproep voor actie en discussiedagen in Berlijn van 30 okt. t/m 1 nov. 2020 >>>

Llamamiento Internacional para los días de acción y debate en Berlín 30.10.-01.11.2020 >>>

Appel international aux journées d’action et de discussion à Berlin du 30.10. au 1.11.2020 >>>

Mobi Clip on peer.tube
