Due to several reasons, most locations are not announced online, please go to the infopoint, or ask at one of the usual suspects . Or check the brochure. You can ask at any of the events for the location of other events aswell
FRIDAY 30.10
13.00 Bethanien lawn Moving together within crowds – practical exercises towards a new demo culture
A session of exercises that trains to deal with stress in a crowd situation, to move in solidarity with the others and defend ourselves in the street. Favors collecte force & benevolence rather than individual skill & performance
Come with mask, comfortable clothes & rainjacket
14.00 open bike workshop
17.30 introduction event – Q&A – info for interkiezionale & demo
Short introduction from Interkiezionale. Presentation of the struggle of the projects in an increasingly gentrified city. Useful information about the events, the demo and the city. Q&A.
Discussion in the bar that will follow the event.
Language(s): English, German
21.00 Bar + vegan küfa
12.00 suburban organization and tensions around paris
For many years the banlieues of Paris have been the scene of confrontations between its inhabitants and the state forces. Let us learn more about it through some examples from struggles, rebellion and riots in the banlieue and discuss with a friend living in one of this banlieues: Who can be the involved, how do they organize and what are the perspectives in quarters built to the exclusion of the masses? How is the resistance in the pandemic state of emergency?
Language: German (participants can use french and english)
14.00 Self-Organization against the virus of Control
Discussion Space of collective analysis and deepening to act, re-exist and build multiple fronts of rebellion and self-management.
The spread of the Covid-19 pandemic and the outbreak of riots against police violence and racism were the pretext to impose and justify without reasonable doubt forms of mass surveillance and repression as never before seen in modern history.
We want to give continuity to a discussion of vital importance: how to struggle together against the control and repression that is accompanying the spread of Covid-19 pandemic.
After a first appointment in September, let’s continue together a moment of discussion and analysis to be constructive and prepared us to face the Pandemic and its political consequences.
14.00 – vegan brunch
15.30 When struggle in the city takes territory
In a period of loosing more and more ground to aggressive state attacks and investors, still some people think about taking and defending autonomous zones in the cities. If we loose all territory now, it will be very difficult to be ready to intervene in any social conflict which might happen in the future. Does it make sense to focus on streets, neighborhoods or buildings to have a space for attacking, hidding or organizing? Or is it not possible any more? What to do instead?
19.00 Helsingforser Platz – Demonstration
SUNDAY 01.11
11.00 Rote Insel Soup & Glühwein ; Fleamarket (until 17.00)
12.00 Coffee, Tea and Cake
13.00 Ecke Samariterstr/Rigaerstr. Manifestation: CG bedeutet immer noch Verdrängung!
CG-Gruppe und KW-Development haben in der Rigaer Straße ihre Luxus-bauprojekte mittlerweile praktisch fertiggestellt . Die Gentrifizierung schreitet voran, insbesondere auch durch die Räumung des Hausprojekts Liebig 34, die von einer unglaublichen Hetze der Medien begleitet war. Trotz des Widerstands unterschiedlicher Gruppen sind die Baumaßnahmen abgeschlossen. Gleichzeitig werden die sozialen Widersprüche und Klassengegensätze in unseren Nachbarschaften immer sichtbarer, und die Notwendigkeit eines erfolgreichen Widerstands gegen die Stadt der Reichen wird immer offensichtlicher. Um die Geschichte des Engagements gegen den häßlichen Bau der CG-Gruppe zurekapitulieren, erfolgreiche und weniger erfolgreiche Strategien zu diskutieren und die weitere Vernetzung für zukünftige Aktionsfelder in Angriff zu nehmen – lasst uns aus unseren Erfahrungen kollektiv lernen!
15.00 Autonomous Youth Centers
Autonomous youth centers, free spaces and youth groups – a panel discussion about the struggles, structures, importance and visibility of young people in the scene and the suppressing of self organized youth spaces.
15.00 Exported law: registration of demonstrations & gatherings
In Germany the registration law is a useful tool of the minions od the state to control us. This is a reason for the other countries to copy it, while also widening the connections between the repressive organs of different states. We recognize the necessity here and everywhere to fight against this law and the attempt to control. We therefore call for a discussion on registration law in germany and everywhere else.
Languages(s): English, German
16.30 Nine days on the roof: migrant and feminist struggles for autonomy and self-determination
in December 2012 refugees occupied the Gerhart-Hauptmann school in Kreuzberg for two years. 40 people resisted the eviction for 9 days on the roof. Comrades from the International Women Space, which was founded there, will talk about their struggles for autonomy, their fight against patriarchy and racism in a city like Berlin.
18.00 General Assembly